12-14th, December 2024 , Symposium «On the Roads of Arabia: Itineraries by Land and Sea » » – Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris – FRANCE

February 2-4, 2024, International Conference “Making the world “one postal territory” UPU / Bern Switzerland
21 September 2023

12-14th, December 2024 , Symposium «On the Roads of Arabia: Itineraries by Land and Sea » » – Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris – FRANCE


Symposium « On the Roads of Arabia: Itineraries by Land and Sea »

IMA, Paris, 12-14 December 2024


The Inter-University Routes of the Orient Association is organizing an international colloque in partnership with the Monde Arabe Institute and the Société Archaïos intitulé «Sur les routes d'Arabie; itineraires and maritimes », which will be brought to the Monde Arabe Institute on December 12, 13 and 14 2024.

The collection is for the purpose of studying the Arab Peninsula routes, which are in the areas or maritimes, etc. It changes what you favor through archaeology, historical sciences, philologiques and religieuses that also lead to life sciences. This approche s’effect on the long period, depuis the Bronze jusqu’à the Islamic period. The object of this color is similar to the development of changes and frontier regions that tell the Sous-Continent in India, the Corner of Africa, and the Egyptian mainland, such as the empires of the Orient in which they are located. empires grec and romain.

We ask you to communicate, from these Rencontre journeys, to the surrounding themes:

  1. The structures in the interior areas and maritime areas : caravans, roads, post connections, commercial computers and ports...
  2. The circulation operators In the Arab peninsula and the environment: merchants, sellers, mechanics, producers, voyageurs, drones... : The production is in our transport, the voyageurs' access to the expedited finances, this means that it interferes with the Identity and the function of actors of these flux marchands, cultures and freedom; On the routes of pèlerinage: pèlerinages antiques and Islamic.
  3. The navigation button: maritime routes, pilots and sailing boats : This theme is more intensive in the use of space in the oceans as there is a difference between people and cultures; Biens circulation, materials and techniques: diffusion and saving changes and previous mats.. This theme is used to comprend the circulation linguists in the Arabic peninsula.

The Spice Maritime route and China through Arab’ eyes and imaginaries

A preliminary approach of Arab Chinese Perceptions through Arab Historiography

Mohieddine Hadhri , Emeritus Professor / History -Tunis University


Referring to most of Arab scholars and geographers, China was continually present in the Arabs’ imaginaries in the ancient time, in particulars during the “Golden age “of Bagdad Abbasid Caliphate. During the Middle Age, the Spice maritime route started at Canton (Guangzhou), passed through Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and then reached Alexandria where the Venetians and Genoese controlled the bulk of the Mediterranean trade which connected to the major European trading centers and capitals.

Accordingly, this paper will refer to the description of China within the manuscripts and narrative books produced by many renowned Arab scholars such as Al Mas’udi s, known as the “Herodotus of the Arabs.” (from Bagdad), the Sicilian Al Idrissi geographer, the Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta who visited China (1345) and the Tunisian historian Ibn Khaldun. For more than seven centuries (VII-XIV Centuries.) Spice maritime routes controlled by the Arab traders emerged and gradually complemented the importance of the Silk Road in linking East and West trade and cross-cultural relations.

For this purpose, the present paper based on historical research and contemporary reflections aims at placing China within the past cultural perceptions and literary productions of the Arab World. How do collective consciousness and cultural representations in the Arab world perceived China and Chinese civilization.?

These are some of the questions we will try to answer, the goal being to explore the stimulating concepts of “routes and roads “as vectors of trade and culture exchanges between Arabs and Chinese and to shed some lights on the outlook of Arab vision towards the Chinese cultural heritage. Three main topics will be raised in this research paper:

  1. In search of Sindbad : Arabs, Spice maritime Route and China during the Arab “Middle age” civilization.
  2. Revisiting the rich past cultural heritage and literary historiography dealing with Arab Chinese relationship
  3. Explore the profile of these legendary routes from a historical perspective in order to tackle important issues dealing with the present of Arab-Chinese relationship within the new context of the re-launch of the “Belt and Road Initiative” in 2015.
Keywords : China, Arab scholars, Spice routes, Silk Road, Cultural heritage,