International Expert Security , diplomacy and international relations developpement and Cultural heritage
Short Bio

Mohieddine Hadhri is a professor Emeritus in international relations at the University of Tunis. He holds a PhD in international relations from the University of Paris I Sorbonne (1983). Prof Hadhri has been a visiting professor in many foreign universities such as Montréal, Paris, Rome, Catania , Barcelona, Vienne, Budapest and Doha. Over the last two decades , Professor Hadhri has been involved in a wide range of academic activities and areas of interest dealing with the Maghreb, the Mediterranean basin and the North/South relations. His research interests include Diplomacy and International Relations, Regional integration and sustainable development, Dialogue of Civilizations and Cultures. He has been an active member within many international organizations such as UNESCO, ILO , European Commission, and also many NGO and professional institutions (FEMISE –Marseille; European International Movement in Brussels, IEMM Montreal, WEM in Stuttgart ) Moreover, in his quality of Founding Director of the Centre for Mediterranean and International Studies (CETIMA) Prof Hadhri had organized several meetings ,symposium and seminars in particulars The Forum for North/South Development Tunis-Sidi Bou Said , the Forum for North/South Cultural Dialogue –Tozeur. As such, he has participated in over one hundred congresses, symposia, seminars and other international events around the world.Prof Hadhri is also the author of numerous publications dealing with the Maghreb, the Mediterranean, the Arab World such as ” the Maghreb Economic Yearbook”, “Dialogue of Civilizations in the Mediterranean”, “The Mediterranean and the Arab World “, “The UN and the Diplomacy of the Maintenance of Peace in Africa1956-2016 “In short, Mohieddine Hadhri is a Senior-level lecturer with long-standing international experience across a multitude of international areas and countries and also a recognized expert in diplomacy and geopolitics , teaching, training, economic development, cultural dialogue , media and public relations.
Membership in International Organizations
Member of the International Scientific Committee for the UNESCO History Project. Paris.FRANCE. Member of the Honorary International Committee - Institut des Etudes Mediterraneenes de Montreal .IEMM Montreal CANADA'honneur-international.phpMember of the Academic Council on the United Nations System, ACUNS Waterloo University, Ontario, Canada of The Editorial Boards Journal of Political Science & Public Affairs . OMICS Group Los Angeles. of the Steering Committee- Foundation “Knowledge Space Europe – Mediterranean Fondation du Savoir Europe-Mediterranee (WEM) “- Stuttgart GERMANY. und Former Member of the Steering Committee of the FEMISE ( Forum Euro-Méditerranéen des Instituts Economiques ) Marseille . FRANCE Reporter of the Congress for Mediterranean North South Dialogue, International European Movement. Bruxelles .BELGIQUE of the SIHMED ( Societe Iternationale des Historiens de la Mediteranee). Rome ITALIE
Visiting Professor and Guest Speaker at Foreign Universities
2020/ “International Workshop “Scandinavian Multilateral Diplomacy: From the League of Nations to post-war IOs” Talk entitled " “ Dag Hammarskjold and Diplomacy for Peacekeeping in Africa" Copenhagen Denmark 2-4 September 2020 2017 / International symposium «History of Peacekeeping : New Perspectives » at Kingston .The presentation is dealing with « The United Nations Organization and the Peace Keeping Forces in Africa 1956-2016 “3-4 November 2017 / Collège militaire royal du Canada à Kingston CANADA.2017/ Guest Speaker at the 2nd International Conference | ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge Mediterranean Cultures and Societies: Knowledge, Health and Tourism 4-5 May 2017 | University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal. - “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean”.2016/ Key speaker at the 8th session of Geopolitics Festival of Grenoble. Mr Hadhri presentation on “ The UN and Africa in a changing world. : Challenges of Peace ,security and Governance » Grenoble 15-19 March 2016. 2015/ Guest speaker at the “AUCUNS 2015 Annual Meeting “The United Nations at 70: Guaranteeing Security and Justice” June 11-13, 2015 The Hague Institute for Global Justice and the International Institute of Social Studies | The Hague NETHERLAND.2013/ Lecture on “ The Arabian Gulf : Globalization challenges and Regional security “ Visiting Professor at Vienna Diplomatic Academy 2-9 May 2013. Vienna AUSTRIA2009/ Visiting Professor course in collaboration with the Montreal Institute For Mediterranean Studies on the topic “ Europe and the Mediterranean area : From Barcelona Conference to The Union for The Mediterranean“ Montreal. March April 2009 CANADA 2009 /Visiting Professor at the University of Ottawa on “The Mediterranean and the New World Political Order. April 2009 CANADA 2006 / 2006 / Guest Speaker at the X th Euro-mediterranean Conference on Economic Transition “ Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy » Commission European Commission. 5-7 Juin ,2006 Brussels BELGIUM2006 / Guest Professor at the European Summer School Academy .Paper Talk “Environment and Sustainable Developemnt in the Mediterranean Basin : Prospects of North/South Cooperation .”July 2006 Spetzes GREECE2003 / Guest Speaker at the University Mainz-Frankfurt on the occasion of the First World Congress for the Middle Eastern Studies WOCMES organised by the Institute of the Arab World, September 2003 Mainz-Frankfurt , GERMANY2001 /Visiting Professor at the Jean Monnet Excellence Centre. Catania University. Spring 2000 . Lecture on “Geopolitics and European Policy of Energy in the Mediterranean “ Catania ITALY2000 / Guest Professor at The Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies MEDAC, La Valette ( November 2000) “The Euro-Mediterranean partnership : Five years after Barcelona conference 1995-2000 “ MALTA1998 / Visiting Professor at the René Descartes University .Paris V , Spring 1998 , French speaking course on“ The European Union and the Arab World : Past , Present and Future relations “ March- April 1998 Paris FRANCE1997 /