Thursday October 3rd, 2024

Thursday September 21st, 2023

Thursday September 21st, 2023

Thursday September 21st, 2023

June 28-30, 2023 / International conference “The China – Russia – Africa(s) triangle” Mohammed V University of Rabat MOROCCO
October 18-20, 2023 / International scientific conference “Diplomacy and literature” Piraeus/GREECE
November 1-3, 2023 / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Cultural transfers between North and South” Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, ITALY
February 2-4, 2024 / International Conference “Making the world “one postal territory” UPU / Bern Switzerland
May 23-24-25, 2024 /INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1974-2024 “The history of contemporary international relations.” Sorbonne University – Paris France
1-4 October 2018 / International Conference on Managing Urban Cultural Heritage. George Town UNESCO World Heritage Site, Penang, Malaysia. Mohieddine Hadhri Paper conference “ Sustainable Tourism Development, Historical City centers and Challenges to Urban cultural heritage and Landscape in the Mediterranean : A Case Study on the Conservation and Management of “ Tunis Medina City” Penang MALAYSIA
14-17 August 2018 / Symposium International of the European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA “Locating the Mediterranean : Connections and Separations across Space and Time Location” Hadhri paper conference “The Mediterranean Sea in the Arab Historiography: A preliminary approach of Arab-Mediterranean Perceptions and Outlooks “ Stockholm SWEDEN
25-26 June 2018/ Raymond Aron Conference 2018 “ Diplomacy in the 21st century – behind the diplomat, the negotiator? Hadhri paper conference “Dag Hammarskjöld and the diplomacy of peacekeeping in Africa” Paris 25-26 juin 2018 FRANCE
16-17 Novembre 2017 / Seminar « Africa in the road of regional integration » Conference paper “ Regional integration organisations and processes in Africa : A South-South comparative Approach “ Sgezed HUNGARY
3-4 November 2017 / international Symposium « History of Peacekeeping : New perspectives » Conference Talk « The United Nations Organization and the Peace Keeping Forces in Africa 1956-2016 “ Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario November 3rd and 4th 2017. CANADA
14-15 Octobre 2017 / Symposium UNESCO- ICOMOS Expert group on the Oasis and Traditional Settlements Florence ITALYUnesco- Icomos International Symposium Florence ITALY
15-19 May 2017 / International Expert Meeting on the Role of the Historic Urban Landscape approach in the nomination and conservation of Cultural Landscapes in the Arab Region . Meeting presentation entitled « Tozeur Oasis and City : A World Natural and Cultural Heritage », Chefchaouen (Morocco), from 15 to 19 May 2017
2017/ 2nd International Conference | ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge Mediterranean Cultures and Societies: Knowledge, Health and Tourism 4-5 May 2017 |. Conference Talk “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean”. University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
2016/ international Conference «Table and Diplomacy from the Middle Ages to the present day »,. – Conference paper on “ Tunisian diplomats in the European Courts during the XIX Century,– 3, 4, 5 November 2016. Paris Sorbonne University .FRANCE
2016/ 8e Festival de Géopolitique de Grenoble 16-19 Mars 2016. FRANCE sur le thème « Dynamiques africaines » conférence sur « L’ONU ET L’AFRIQUE DANS UN MONDE EN MUTATION « Enjeux et défis de la paix, de la sécurité et de la gouvernance
2015/ “The United Nations and Africa in a Changing World: Challenges of Peace, Development and Governance “ Paper presented at the international conference “ The United Nations : 70 Years of Global Governance” organized by the Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) Montréal 21 -22 October 2015. CANADA.
2015/ “AUCUNS 2015 Annual Meeting: “The United Nations at 70” Conference paper “Revolution and democracy : Assessing the New Challenges of Global Governance in Tunisia “ Paper presented at the 11-13 June, 2015 at The Institute for Global Justice. The Hague, NETHERLANDS .
2013 / Annual Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations “America and the World – The World and America”. Paper Title ” US Foreign Policy Towards North Africa During the Cold War : From Eisenhower to Kennedy” 1953-1963” June 20-22, 2013, Arlington, Virginia.Washington.USA
2012/ Participation in the International Conference “Global Futures :Issues and Trends for the 21 Century , “How to shape the Future in The Arab Gulf region : GCC National Visions 2030 “March 12-13 2012 . International Christian University Tokyo JAPAN
2012/ Guest speaker at the International Conference on Global Movement of Moderates 17-19 January 2012. Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
2010/ Paper presentation on « Crossing the XX Century : Unesco in the History of Contemporary International relations 1945-2010 “ presented at the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences 22-28 August 2010 .Amsterdam NETHERLAND
2010/ Participation in the Founding Conference “Foundation Knowledge Space Europe – Mediterranean (WEM) .Paper entitled “ The Mediterranean, A Bridge Between Orient and Occident: Itineraries, Dynamics and Transfers of Trans-Mediterranean Science and knowledge” 27-28 October 2010 Rabat MOROCCO.
2004/ Invited Key-Speaker at the International Meeting de Séville « Construire et reconstruire les ponts virtuels ou réels entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée » Fondation des Trois Cultures & COPEAM 19-23 March 2004 Séville /SPAIN
1) HADHRI Mohieddine, La Méditerranée et le Monde arabo-méditerranéen aux portes du XXI Siècle : Choc de cultures ou Dialogue de civilisations ?.Centre de Publication Universitaire Tunis , 2004.,234p.
2) HADHRI Mohieddine, La Méditerranée, Nouveau pôle de développement :Zones de Libre-échange et Partenariat Nord/Sud . Ed Cetima , Tunis ,1996, 240 pages
3) HADHRI Mohieddine « Dialogue de Civilisations en Méditerranée.» CETIMA Tunis 1997-232p.
4) Mohieddine Hadhri (s.direction) L’Union du Maghreb Arabe et le Nouvel Espace Economique Européen, Edition CETIMA Tunis , 1994. 205 p
5) Mohieddine Hadhri (s.direction) L’Annuaire Economique du Maghreb .1991-1992, 1993-1994 Edition CETIMA Tunis , 1992 , 1994.
1. Mohieddine Hadhri, “The Mediterranean, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow “ in D’Angelo G. & Martins Ribeiro J. (Eds.). (2016). Borders and Conflicts in the Mediterranean Basin. Fisciano, Italy : ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge..
2. Hadhri, M. & Mangone, E. (2016), Intercultural Complexity of the Southern Mediterranean: Arab-Mediterranean Perceptions and Outlooks. Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge-JMK, 1 (2), 125-141.
3. Mohieddine Hadhri, Arab Spring and the New Deal of Global Polarity : The Arab World at the Crossroads “ in Bernd Thum « Au tournant d’une époque –l’Europe, la Méditerranée et le monde arabe , Stuttgart: ifa, 2012.– (ifa-Edition Kultur und Außenpolitik).
4. Mohieddine Hadhri, ”Globalization challenges and New Arab Regionalism : Towards a New deal of South-South integration “ in Miroslav Jovanovic , International Handbook of Economic Integration.Geneva. London 2010.
1. Mohieddine Hadhri,( 2015) « L’UNESCO et la Traversée du siècle. Un monde plus que jamais à reconstruire. » La Presse de Tunisie (Tunis), 14-17 Novembre 2015.
2. Mohieddine Hadhri, (2016) “The Mediteranean, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow “ in D’Angelo G. & Martins Ribeiro J. (Eds.). (2016). Borders and Conflicts in the Mediterranean Basin. Fisciano, Italy : ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge..
3. Mohieddine Hadhri (2014 ) /“ U.S. Foreign Policy Toward North Africa During the Cold War: From Eisenhower to Kennedy (1953–1963) in the Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 5:95–110, 2014
4. Mohieddine Hadhri, (2016 ) François Pelletier ““Le Moyen Orient et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale : Convoitises et Rivalités entre les puissances belligérantes Presses Universitaires de France | « Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains
2016/2 N° 262 | pages 93 à 106 .