12-13 March 2012/ The International Conference Global Futures :Issues and Trends for the 21 Century, International Christian University Tokyo JAPAN

22-28 August 2010 / XXI Session of the International Congrès for Historical Sciences Amsterdam NETHERLANDS .
7 December 2010
17-19 January 2012/ Guest speaker at the International Conference on Global Movement of Moderates Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
7 December 2012

12-13 March 2012/ The International Conference Global Futures :Issues and Trends for the 21 Century, International Christian University Tokyo JAPAN

The Global Future : Issues and Trends for the 21st Century

March 12 - 13, 2011

Conference thematic agenda

The Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS), a Japan-based professional organization for international scholars and educators interested in interdisciplinary perspectives on issues of global significance, is pleased to announce the theme, date and place of its 2011 international conference. This year's theme is The Global Future: Issues and Trends for the 21st Century. The conference on this occasion will be hosted by International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan. The organizing committee invites paper proposals on the following themes:
- futurology
- the global economy
- globalization and culture
- cosmopolitanism
- conflict and war
- the environment
- the US and the world
- the UN and global affairs

How to shape the future in the Arab Gulf countries ?

Dr Mohieddine HADHRI
Over the last thirty years, the Arabian Gulf region have emerged as a hub of large scale development .The Gulf States have risen substantially in rank among the developed nations of the world. Prominent cities like Dubai, Manama, Doha, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh have expanded to several times their previous sizes and huge urban and infrastructure projects ,sustainable development with the adoption of clean and solar energy are planned for the near future .
This paper provides a general overview of the ambitious management and development plans, social and educational reforms which have been adopted in the recent few years in order to shape the future of the Arabian Gulf region, preparing in the long term range the bases of knowledge societies in this region. .It examines and highlights these tremendous global transformations planned in this region through three key documents entitled “ Qatar National Vision 2030 “ Bahrain Vision 2030 “ and “ Dubai Vision 2030”, focusing on the Qatari visions considered here as an indicative and specific case study .