3-4 November 2017 / International symposium «History of Peacekeeping : New Perspectives » à Kingston CANADA

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8 December 2017
16-17 November 2017 / International Meeting on Africa and regional integration – Sgezed – HUNGARY.
8 December 2017

3-4 November 2017 / International symposium «History of Peacekeeping : New Perspectives » à Kingston CANADA


History of Peacekeeping: New perspectives

Royal Military College. Kingston 3-4 novembre 2017

Why is peacekeeping still with us?

Despite its critics and its disappointments, peacekeeping remains alive and well in 2017. What we call peacekeeping today is very different than that conceptualized 60 years ago by Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. It has evolved over the years to the point at which some have even tried to change its name. But whatever we call it, peacekeeping remains something that Canadians value as highly today as they did in 1956. So just what is this thing that we call peacekeeping today?

To answer that question international experts (Canadian, American, African and Australian) will be meeting in Kingston on November 2-3, 2017 to discuss the history of peacekeeping in light of new perspectives in the field. The symposium will focus on three main areas of enquiry: new historical perspectives on past peacekeeping missions; historical perspectives on present and future challenges peacekeeping is likely to face; and the impact of peacekeeping operations on the African continent in terms of lessons learned and perspectives for the future.

The UN and the Peacekeepers Forces in Africa (1956-2016)

Assessment and Prospects of UN Peacekeeping Diplomacy

Prof Mohieddine Hadhri was invited officially to deliver a speech at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario on the occasion of the international symposium above mentioned. The presentation is dealing with "The United Nations Organization and the Peace Keeping Forces in Africa 1956-2016 “