On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Union in 2024, the UPU and Poste France are organizing a conference on the theme “Making the world “one postal territory”. History and current affairs of a global promise.”.
Since its founding, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) has set itself the task of organizing the world into “a single postal territory”, to use the terms of the first article of the Convention signed in Berne in 1874. genesis of this promise of global communication, the way in which it accompanied the encompassing of the world by the colonial powers, its uninterrupted perpetuation over the decades and its reformulations, but also its divergent interpretations and its always incomplete realization deserve all attention historians of contemporary societies and their globalizations.
The UPU as an organization is a fascinating object of global history, whose singular longevity invites reflection. Its rapid expansion to member countries from all continents struck contemporaries in this sense, as did its attachment to the United Nations system, decided in 1947.
If the Union has not prevented wars, as the most optimistic could envisage, it has until now always survived them. How did it cope with armed conflicts and other economic, financial and health crises? How did it constitute a means of mitigating its effects or repairing the damage? What does the Universal Postal Union tell us more broadly about globalization or rather about the globalization regimes of the contemporary era, about wealth inequalities and power rivalries, about the capacity to bridge or overcome them?
The UPU as a platform for negotiating standards and settling disputes is a space for sharing and pooling, on the one hand, and for delimitation and differentiation, on the other. On what basis was the balance found and how did it evolve? Was the global promise made by this organization not received and implemented differently in the different member countries?
The celebration of the 150th anniversary and the location of the conference at the headquarters of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union should allow sharing and mutual enrichment between researchers and witnesses.
About seventy years ago, on April 12, 1952 to be precise, the Arab Postal Union (UPA) was created in Damascus (Syria). This foundation followed the recommendations of the postal conference of the work of the Communications Commission of the League of Arab States, held in Cairo on December 9, 1946.
Considered one of the oldest postal federations in the world, bringing together more than around twenty affiliated members, including at least two countries, namely Egypt and Tunisia, had joined the Universal Postal Union very early in Geneva, the day after its founding in 1874.
Given the importance of the Arab Postal Union whose dynamics and audience have continued to grow over the last decades, not only in the Arab World but also in Africa, this contribution aims to carry out a retrospective and prospective approach at the same time and will focus on four aspects, namely:
1) Provide insight into the constitution of the UPA, its status and its main objectives as an Arab regional organization specializing in the postal field. 2) Examine the close relationship of the UPA with the UPI in Geneva in terms of monitoring, cooperation and coordination in the field of postal legislation, administration and training, while questioning the challenges multifaceted, particularly those of digitalization, which the UPA as a regional Arab platform is confronted with today. 3) Present a case study from the Arab and African geographical field, that of the Tunisian model, through the performance of the Tunisian Post. Indeed, in its latest report on postal development (April 2018), the Universal Postal Union awarded the best place to Tunisia, in Africa and in the Arab region, for the third consecutive year. 4) Finally reflect on the processes of evolution in the postal field as well as the mechanisms of cooperation on an international scale which are likely in the future in the context of globalization, technological revolutions, satellite communication and transport throughout the world, .to “Make the world a single postal territory. » In accordance with the theme of this conference.
June 28-30, 2023 / International conference “The China – Russia – Africa(s) triangle” Mohammed V University of Rabat MOROCCO
October 18-20, 2023 / International scientific conference “Diplomacy and literature” Piraeus/GREECE
November 1-3, 2023 / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Cultural transfers between North and South” Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, ITALY
February 2-4, 2024 / International Conference “Making the world “one postal territory” UPU / Bern Switzerland
May 23-24-25, 2024 /INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1974-2024 “The history of contemporary international relations.” Sorbonne University – Paris France
1-4 October 2018 / International Conference on Managing Urban Cultural Heritage. George Town UNESCO World Heritage Site, Penang, Malaysia. Mohieddine Hadhri Paper conference “ Sustainable Tourism Development, Historical City centers and Challenges to Urban cultural heritage and Landscape in the Mediterranean : A Case Study on the Conservation and Management of “ Tunis Medina City” Penang MALAYSIA
14-17 August 2018 / Symposium International of the European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA “Locating the Mediterranean : Connections and Separations across Space and Time Location” Hadhri paper conference “The Mediterranean Sea in the Arab Historiography: A preliminary approach of Arab-Mediterranean Perceptions and Outlooks “ Stockholm SWEDEN
25-26 June 2018/ Raymond Aron Conference 2018 “ Diplomacy in the 21st century – behind the diplomat, the negotiator? Hadhri paper conference “Dag Hammarskjöld and the diplomacy of peacekeeping in Africa” Paris 25-26 juin 2018 FRANCE
16-17 Novembre 2017 / Seminar « Africa in the road of regional integration » Conference paper “ Regional integration organisations and processes in Africa : A South-South comparative Approach “ Sgezed HUNGARY
3-4 November 2017 / international Symposium « History of Peacekeeping : New perspectives » Conference Talk « The United Nations Organization and the Peace Keeping Forces in Africa 1956-2016 “ Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario November 3rd and 4th 2017. CANADA
14-15 Octobre 2017 / Symposium UNESCO- ICOMOS Expert group on the Oasis and Traditional Settlements Florence ITALYUnesco- Icomos International Symposium Florence ITALY
15-19 May 2017 / International Expert Meeting on the Role of the Historic Urban Landscape approach in the nomination and conservation of Cultural Landscapes in the Arab Region . Meeting presentation entitled « Tozeur Oasis and City : A World Natural and Cultural Heritage », Chefchaouen (Morocco), from 15 to 19 May 2017
2017/ 2nd International Conference | ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge Mediterranean Cultures and Societies: Knowledge, Health and Tourism 4-5 May 2017 |. Conference Talk “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean”. University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
2016/ international Conference «Table and Diplomacy from the Middle Ages to the present day »,. – Conference paper on “ Tunisian diplomats in the European Courts during the XIX Century,– 3, 4, 5 November 2016. Paris Sorbonne University .FRANCE
2016/ 8e Festival de Géopolitique de Grenoble 16-19 Mars 2016. FRANCE sur le thème « Dynamiques africaines » conférence sur « L’ONU ET L’AFRIQUE DANS UN MONDE EN MUTATION « Enjeux et défis de la paix, de la sécurité et de la gouvernance
2015/ “The United Nations and Africa in a Changing World: Challenges of Peace, Development and Governance “ Paper presented at the international conference “ The United Nations : 70 Years of Global Governance” organized by the Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) Montréal 21 -22 October 2015. CANADA.
2015/ “AUCUNS 2015 Annual Meeting: “The United Nations at 70” Conference paper “Revolution and democracy : Assessing the New Challenges of Global Governance in Tunisia “ Paper presented at the 11-13 June, 2015 at The Institute for Global Justice. The Hague, NETHERLANDS .
2013 / Annual Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations “America and the World – The World and America”. Paper Title ” US Foreign Policy Towards North Africa During the Cold War : From Eisenhower to Kennedy” 1953-1963” June 20-22, 2013, Arlington, Virginia.Washington.USA
2012/ Participation in the International Conference “Global Futures :Issues and Trends for the 21 Century , “How to shape the Future in The Arab Gulf region : GCC National Visions 2030 “March 12-13 2012 . International Christian University Tokyo JAPAN
2012/ Guest speaker at the International Conference on Global Movement of Moderates 17-19 January 2012. Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
2010/ Paper presentation on « Crossing the XX Century : Unesco in the History of Contemporary International relations 1945-2010 “ presented at the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences 22-28 August 2010 .Amsterdam NETHERLAND
2010/ Participation in the Founding Conference “Foundation Knowledge Space Europe – Mediterranean (WEM) .Paper entitled “ The Mediterranean, A Bridge Between Orient and Occident: Itineraries, Dynamics and Transfers of Trans-Mediterranean Science and knowledge” 27-28 October 2010 Rabat MOROCCO.
2004/ Invited Key-Speaker at the International Meeting de Séville « Construire et reconstruire les ponts virtuels ou réels entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée » Fondation des Trois Cultures & COPEAM 19-23 March 2004 Séville /SPAIN
1) HADHRI Mohieddine, La Méditerranée et le Monde arabo-méditerranéen aux portes du XXI Siècle : Choc de cultures ou Dialogue de civilisations ?.Centre de Publication Universitaire Tunis , 2004.,234p.
2) HADHRI Mohieddine, La Méditerranée, Nouveau pôle de développement :Zones de Libre-échange et Partenariat Nord/Sud . Ed Cetima , Tunis ,1996, 240 pages
3) HADHRI Mohieddine « Dialogue de Civilisations en Méditerranée.» CETIMA Tunis 1997-232p.
4) Mohieddine Hadhri (s.direction) L’Union du Maghreb Arabe et le Nouvel Espace Economique Européen, Edition CETIMA Tunis , 1994. 205 p
5) Mohieddine Hadhri (s.direction) L’Annuaire Economique du Maghreb .1991-1992, 1993-1994 Edition CETIMA Tunis , 1992 , 1994.
1. Mohieddine Hadhri, “The Mediterranean, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow “ in D’Angelo G. & Martins Ribeiro J. (Eds.). (2016). Borders and Conflicts in the Mediterranean Basin. Fisciano, Italy : ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge..
2. Hadhri, M. & Mangone, E. (2016), Intercultural Complexity of the Southern Mediterranean: Arab-Mediterranean Perceptions and Outlooks. Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge-JMK, 1 (2), 125-141.
3. Mohieddine Hadhri, Arab Spring and the New Deal of Global Polarity : The Arab World at the Crossroads “ in Bernd Thum « Au tournant d’une époque –l’Europe, la Méditerranée et le monde arabe , Stuttgart: ifa, 2012.– (ifa-Edition Kultur und Außenpolitik).
4. Mohieddine Hadhri, ”Globalization challenges and New Arab Regionalism : Towards a New deal of South-South integration “ in Miroslav Jovanovic , International Handbook of Economic Integration.Geneva. London 2010.
1. Mohieddine Hadhri,( 2015) « L’UNESCO et la Traversée du siècle. Un monde plus que jamais à reconstruire. » La Presse de Tunisie (Tunis), 14-17 Novembre 2015.
2. Mohieddine Hadhri, (2016) “The Mediteranean, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow “ in D’Angelo G. & Martins Ribeiro J. (Eds.). (2016). Borders and Conflicts in the Mediterranean Basin. Fisciano, Italy : ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge..
3. Mohieddine Hadhri (2014 ) /“ U.S. Foreign Policy Toward North Africa During the Cold War: From Eisenhower to Kennedy (1953–1963) in the Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 5:95–110, 2014
4. Mohieddine Hadhri, (2016 ) François Pelletier ““Le Moyen Orient et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale : Convoitises et Rivalités entre les puissances belligérantes Presses Universitaires de France | « Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains
2016/2 N° 262 | pages 93 à 106 .